In football, fire and fitness, your best defense is a good offense! Just as football teams train year round for the season, the Pflugerville Fire Department’s Prevention Division works year round to decrease the risk of fire and emergency medical incidents. During the year we conduct public education and host events throughout the District such as our Open Houses, Smoke Detector Program, Proper Fire Extinguisher Usage Class and our Take 10 CPR education for school, civic, religious, neighborhood and employer groups.
Our firefighters are ready to respond in the event of a fire or medical emergency; however, you can keep your eye on the scoreboard and help us help you. Visit our site often for monthly safety tips posted on this page, safety and preparedness tips, information and upcoming events at our Public Education and Community Outreach pages.
As summer comes to an end and we gear up for kids back to school your kids safety is important to us. We trust these Pedestrian Safety tips will provide you information to help get you back to school safe.